Where the mind is free........

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Glimpses of Greatness

An argument that the limerent object may be seen in better light.

The previous blog was on the limerence and how it turned out in its discovery after 30 years and how lone wolf  (LW) perceives the LO (limerent object) having come to know the tip of the LO inceberg.

It may be harsh on the LO to be accorded a onesided view. It is also possible that LW develops the sour grapes syndrome to view the LO in such poor lght. For these two reasons 1) That LW knows only the LO iceberg tip and 2) the LW may have developed the sour grapes syndrome, it is necessary also to look at the positives which LW may have overlooked in the LO.

First of all LO's confession of being an HSP should have alerted LW. He should have taken a more cautious approach in blurting out even though he mentioned the truth. One needs to tell the truth, but not all truth  is to be told.

She cannot be blamed for developing a hypothesis that the LW circumstances made him develop limerence towards her. How is she to know anything of  76- 82 or LW tribulations given LW secretiveness? As she mentioned, 10 years may be too early to develop anything meaningful. That is subjective to LW. ( It may be a good idea to explore LW circumstances of  1976 too.)

Having made her own hypothesis or diagnosis, she tried to suggest medications such as her widow friend which was very clever but disguised in concern, so to say, by way of a test of her own hypothesis. That it is lack of company that gave rise to limerence. LW would have slanted to the widow friend if limerence indeed was caused by LW loneliness. But once again how is she to know the LW psyche? Anyway LW is willing to concede the benefit of doubt to her, that it was indeed her concern rather than covert cleverness. For the record, LW psyche is tuned to greater need for aloneness than to company. In fact company he will have, but more than a proportionate share of his time is and needs to be spent in reflective isolation.

She was kind enough to say good about LW writing skills. Good that she noticed. Better still if she would gather that there are indeed ways of sublimating limerence over many years in more productive ways.

She was kind enough to have offered guidance towards med school eg. Khan academy. Glimpses of goodness such as these would have found a conducive spillway if she had not  discarded religion an important carrier of culture or at least if she had replaced the vacant slot with something positively fresh.
She was forthcoming in how she was tired of the studies and raising of kids and running of family. LW was again insensitive to her in his eagerness to spill the historical account which except for its subjective historic value to the LW, is redundant for the most part.

It is a fact of the professions that the medic is more likely to receive the patient's disease through contamination / infection than the professor likely to be enriched in wisdom through contact with his young students. Anything new, even a new suggestion is seen by the professor in good light, but to the medic anycontact  is a potential contaminant to be carefully handled, if not avoided. Hence the openness of the professor and the relative jumpiness of the medic, which the professor is now enlightened about. 

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