Where the mind is free........

Monday, December 10, 2007


The five dreams

I am not going to talk about dreams in the sense of aspirations. But rather a few dreams that I believe are in the form of premonitions and does have a significance in terms of influencing, interpreting or defining my life. As with all dreams time, place, characters etc. may all be jumbled but in terms of its subjective relevance, I have no doubt because they are so powerfully etched in my mind.

Dream 1

A scene of immense terror. Our estate of around 10 acres is the context . I am awakened at night and am trembling with fear. It is made known that a horse is let loose in the estate and everyone is scared. The name of the horse is Ammonia.

Dream 2

Immensely peaceful surrounding. I am in a place where there is an open field. Yonder but accessible is a steep hill climbable too. A sense of immense space and calm and peace. As if all the problems in my life are at last settled. An allusion to a country like Canada is feebly felt.

Dream 3

A wonderful church but desolate. I am the only one around. An atmosphere of slight bewilderment. The church however is solid and is carved or built on a rockbed, a quarry of sorts.

Dream 4

A labyrinth. Of sacks? But it is also a church. With a pulpit from where the priests sermon. It belongs to the Mar Thomites a particular sect with origins in Kerala. A very close knit community. Feeling is slightly one of exclusion nevertheless with no harm.

Dream 5

An immense sense of desolateness in a forest where there is a single house. Almost no one would enter for fear of the haunted

I have some clue that these dreams were premonitory of some of the instances in my life. However it requires some more time before I blog on that.

The recurring dreams

In addition the following are the recurring dreams in my life.

Recurring Dream 1

A sense of flying usually down a fleet of steps wide enough to fly over. A sense of how come I never knew that I could fly?

Recurring Dream 2

Airplane(s). All over. Suddenly I know one of them is falling. A variation is many of them are falling or colliding.

Recurring dream 3

Gadget. Where I find a new application. Never knew that it existed.

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