Gabriel Garcia Marquez books 'One hundred years of solitude' , 'Love in the time of cholera, 'Chronicle of a death foretold', 'Colonel in his labyrith', 'No one writes to the colonel', 'Leaf storm' among others grip the human imagination so much that one is transported to a different world. Especially one gets a flavour of Latin America. It is so powerful with its continent sized plot and surreal people who almost always are lonely and the visitations of dictatorship ever present in the storyline all gives an uncertainty to life that one back home is never worried about.
Marquez' blessing is in the narrative powers that grips the reader until he is transported to the magical world through a special technique called magical realism and then throws the reader back into reality a changed and different man.
Anyone who has read Marquez is never the same man and this unlike Dickens for instance who takes one to a real yester world, Marquez does to a surreal world pregnant with the mercilessness of the reality yet all of them surviving characters even in their deaths who just are in a world that does not allow anyone weak to go past.
The narrative of blood that travels through floors , through the corners up the walls and into the yards in a poignat recollection of the murder is at once so real and yet so surreal, one gets almost to see the line of blood.
My own view of the world changed to an objective reality amidst the innumerable subjectivities and the objectivity thus achieved is almost a rite of passage to adulthood that sheds the childhood innocence, like a snake sheds its old skin and takes on a new one, an approximating to reality.
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