It is difficult to say whether Hill influenced me or his book 'Think and grow rich'. His book is the result of a long stretch of interviews that he was commissioned to do by Andrew Carnegie. Hill himself was later advisor to two American Presidents.
Although the title of the book smacks of extreme materialism and indeed it is about making money, it goes into esoteric discussions on the power of the brain, subconscious mind, sex transmutation and imagination among others it is unlike the other book on the same topic 'Rich dad, poor dad' discussed elsewhere in my series of people who influenced me.
It is my feeling that the book should be read only after or around forty and any sort of precociousness that this book or any other, takes away from an innocence. HIll himself says men are seldom successful before forty for the reason of 'sowing of the wild oats' and I believe men are entitled to a certain amount of innocence in their early years.
Transmutation of the sexual energy occurs only after forty by Hill's own version and implies it is meant to be so by nature. So reading Hill at an early age without considering your own age may be detrimental on yourself.
Nevertheless the bringing down of achievement to formulae is an achievement by itself and has been taken up by many others as well but the legitimacy of Hill is the backing by Andrew Carnegie himself an achiever. Perhaps the merit is greater in its quintessential Americanism, in an obsession with Achievement.
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