Separations and such
It is amazing the kind of responses people come up with when they know of the separation. But the most pragmatic and enlightening of them was from a Colonel in the Indian Army who happens to be in my neighbourhood. He said 'just think one part of your life is over and another has started'.
True to myself I did not capture the meaning right then until I got it in the sense of burning bridges. Because that is what the marching army does when it is necessary and inevitable. Then it is either do or die rather than retreat and be with the past and worst still to whine.
But more importantly my take on this thing called separation and divorce is that why not consider it as a new form of family? Where the parenthood and responsibilities are in tact and not neglected, but for some reasons the man woman relation is not there.Because of personal differences one is not able to live with the other, but of course one does not shirk the responsibilities of parenthood. One might argue that the responsibility of parenthood is to keep the family in one piece. Well that has not taken place and keeping it together brings in bickerings and then the worst for the offsprings.
Instead why not time share on upbringing of the children? That way the child does not feel deprived. The parents don't feel tied up. And the children have the best of both worlds. The only thing left is the circumstances of the break up. Well then burn it. That is immaterial.
What is true is that the upbringing of the parents themselves have been too different that they are comfortable on their own......... Hail family, not so hail marriage.....
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