Friday, February 15, 2008
Men are dogs and women are cats.
In the light of the experiences of the past year and a half I had occassion to think about the topic and perhaps was functionally oriented towards the topic as such.
I have heard that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I have also heard that Hitler was afraid of cats but not dogs.
First time I heard that men are like dogs and women are like cats. It means according to the psychoanalyst on TV that men are simple and women are complex and hence the analogy.
Men are by and large promiscous, but he can be committed. According to him this is possible by food and appealing to his narcissism.
It is said that men talk facts and figures. For men talking is a process or media for reeling off but for a woman talking is a way of relating. This seems to be at the base of many man - woman relationship troubles. Communicating is essential for both but they do communicate different things. For the woman, the process is its own thing.
Nevertheless how can the man be mostly right when coming to the relationship with his one. First by showing that you are thinking of her, that she is uppermost in his mind and therefore some indication that he is doing so by say a phone call or a surprise etc. Second a woman needs a commitment so no roaming eyes looking for pretty ones. Third, by listening. Listen even if she is bullying your own parents. After all she is just talking. Fourth by a kind of psychosocial support. If she is getting attention from elsewhere make her know that no one can come between us.
Together when it comes to sex, keep body healthy and clean, and create novelty by creating mystery. The French seems to be better at that, it seems, according to the TV show. More on Man woman relation later.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

XI/847 U, Eastern Villas,
682 030
Contact: 98460 12176
To offer a unique blend of Human Resource Management and Teaching expertise to an organization that recognizes the same.
HR Executive skills (6 years)
As a junior executive, assisted the HR Head in policy formulation
Has worked as a junior level HR executive and handled recruitment, performance appraisal, and training and focused training towards ISO certification.
Teaching and training skills (6 years)
Developed course modules and taught the following subjects to MBA and MHRM students:
o Principles of Management
o Organisational Behaviour
o Reward Management
o Industrial Relations
o Business Ethics
o Environmental Management
o Strategic Human Resource Management.
o Training and Development
Industry interaction skills
Co-ordinated field work programme for students, involving building and maintaining liaison with the industries around.
Environmental Management skills
o Was passionately involved in Environmental Management Activities of Indian Oil Corporation at Barauni refinery
o Familiar with ISO 14001 provisions leading to certification including audit skills
o Teaching Environmental Management to MBA students for the last three years
as Personnel professional at Indian Oil Corporation (other than routine HR jobs)
Training, Auditing and documentation for ISO certification:
Single handedly undertook training and documentation of ISO documentation pertaining to HR.
Conducted internal ISO audits of departments other than HR.
LPG/ BPR study (Action Research) :
The LPG bottling system at the Refinery was far from optimal and required a thorough revamp. A BPR study was conducted and the following changes were recommended and implemented.
Redeployment of one personnel at the carousal machine.
Introduction of a beep sound at the weighing machine to alert the manual operator.
The introduction of a loop line to divert the purged gas from excess weight cylinders to the line instead of to the flare stack.
Synchronisation of the time between refinery, marketing and excise offices to minimize waiting time.
Trained along with Engineers in Refinery operations.
Trained in ISO System (9000 and 14001, Quality and environment) study, Internal audit and Training at Indian Oil Corporation.
Got Trained and represented HR in Worldwide benchmarking exercise of Refinery by Solomon Associates, Singapore.
Current trends in teaching OB – 12 day programme at Management Development Institute, Gurgaon April 2000.
FDP participant 2001-2002 at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Strategic Management Teacher’s Foundation Course at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore Dec, 2007
“The Many ways of HR Role erosion”: article published in JIMS 8M Jan 1999
“Quantum Innovations in HR practices”: paper presented at Bangalore HR summit. Nov. 2003
“Developing cross cultural sensitivity”: paper presented at Bangalore HR summit. Dec 2004
“Towards new metaphors for a globalizing India: An agenda for Management” article published in Rajagiri Management Journal, January- June 2005
“HRM – an ethical perspective”, article published in Kerala Personnel, Annual issue 2005
Presented a paper Best Practices: Recreating the HR function at CII Best Practices Experience sharing conference conducted at Kochi on 14th October 2005.
“Industry mindset and Organisational culture” An attempt at a functional distincion, article published in Kerala Personnel, Annual issue 2007
BA (English Language & Literature)
MA (Personnel Management & Industrial Relations)
M. G. University, Kottayam, Kerala.
UGC Lectureship
FDP (Faculty Development Programme)
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Certified Recruitment Analyst
Carlton Advanced Management Institute, USA
Sr. Personnel Officer
Indian Oil Corporation
6 years
Rajagiri School of Management, Cochin
1999 onwards
over eight years